Author Archives: wrdprs

What does Facebook’s new Newsfeed algorithm mean for you?

In a statement in January 2018, Facebook announced that its Newsfeed algorithm is in for a tectonic shift to favour more “meaningful interaction”. As brands and marketers discuss how this will affect brand visibility and advertising, here is our take on what the change means, and how to work around it:

Aligning Marketing Metrics With Goals

  I have often heard people say ‘Numbers scare me’, and wondered if it is because numbers always speak the truth! In today’s world of gadgets and data, there is no dearth of numbers; getting confused by them is pretty much inevitable. However, when used wisely, numbers are a treasure trove of insights that can […]

Marketing Metrics To Track Lead Generation

 Nearly 90% of the brands we speak to want more enquiries, more prospects, more form-fills, more leads… in a nutshell, everyone wants more RoI. The lead generation process and campaigns—and hence the demands and metrics—are different for B2B and B2C brands. Other factors that affect lead generation campaigns are the product category, product type and […]

Marketing Metrics To Track Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness has always been a fuzzy area to quantify and report. Newly launched and early stage brands often want more of their target audience to discover them, and become aware that they exist. However, they find it hard to justify their budgets with hard numbers and RoI. 

Rebrand. Refresh. Recharge.

We are excited to share our refreshed logo and the thought behind it. Inception took life in early 2011. Our logo was about representing movement and the interconnected nature of marketing. As the years rolled by, we started noticing the nuanced changes in our work that kept us relevant and ahead of the curve as […]

Make Content Your Primary B2B Sales Resource

Of course, you know that content is a great way to express your brand. That’s why this article is NOT about that! Instead, let’s focus on how to make content work for your demand generation – as a way to generate leads and increase revenue for your business.