Author Archives: wrdprs

The 4 Facets Of Effective Brand Communication

The other evening my husband and I were having a conversation about persuasion. He happens to be a lawyer, and I, a marketer, and therefore, the art of persuasion is something we consider to be of primary importance.

Working with Boutique & Cult Brands

Boutique or cult brands are typified by a distinct, differentiated brand personality that is amplified in a consistent, powerful brand voice. They are usually passionately built by their founders with painstaking attention to every aspect of the brand. In fact, such highly differentiated brands often struggle to find the right marketing partner who ‘get them’.

Leveraging Brand Platforms & Associations for your Brand Communication

Ever noticed the brand of laptop or smart phone someone uses and extended the brand image in your perception of the person? Maybe seen someone wear or carry a specific brand of shoes or bag and instinctively associated brand traits with the person? If you have never, well…you are clearly an exception!

5 Hacks to Improve ROI on Facebook Spends

For businesses that have invested in social media, there is a strong need to understand and improve the return on investment (ROI). As marketers, we spend a fair bit of time on this subject and we believe that ROI is an important aspect while making decisions about incremental spends on social media. While ROI considerations […]

Social Media for Brands – How do you decide

Marketing online might conjure up images of building a presence across multiple platforms. With everyone and their neighbour getting online, there is a lot of emphasis on finding a way to stand out in the crowd. But, this shouldn’t be the sole factor in motivating a brand to build its presence on every imaginable social […]