Author Archives: wrdprs

Case Study: Paper Boat – Quenching thirst by rekindling memories

What was the campaign about? Paper Boat is a brand of traditional Indian juices and drinks by Hector Beverages. What caught our key about this young, vibrant brand is the emotional connect it has made with consumers in a short span of time. Not an easy task, given the large budgets of some alternate / […]

Social Media and the floods

If Captain Cool aka Chennai Super Kings’ captain MS Dhoni and Rajnikanth are anything to go by, it is no surprise that it takes a lot more for Chennai’s people to be riled and shaken out of their normal lives. Right up on top of the ladder with Mumbai’s resilience and Delhi’s activism, comes Chennai’s […]

The ABC Of Facebook Insights

Marketing on Facebook is challenging – it’s important to stand out, to have any hope of capturing the attention of its user base. To this end, the way a campaign performs, and the manner in which it translates into fruitful results for a marketer is a vital element to keep an eye on. Insights on […]

Brand Platforms – Some Indian Examples

In an earlier post, we explained how we believe Brand Platforms can be leveraged in the era of social media. In this post, we share specific examples of Brand Platforms, which have worked very well in India and have captured public imagination in recent times.

Inception Day 2015, Gurgaon

Inception Business Services proudly presents Inception Day 2015 – an annual event connecting business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers.

Demystifying Net Neutrality

Everyone’s talking about Net Neutrality. Typically a principle that dictates that all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and governments should treat data packets on the internet equally, Net Neutrality is a campaign that seeks to question the discriminatory rate regime that is being imposed on the data packets that one accesses using the internet. The point […]

Facebook Algorithm Change – What it really means

In early February we shared with you a list of Dos for you to get Facebook-ready. Around then, some of the revised guidelines for Brand/ Business pages on Facebook (announced in Nov2014) came into effect. These changes do affect the way users get to see ‘Brand Content’ on their Newsfeed. As marketers, we have been […]


7.3 billion is the approximate population of our globe. Facebook, as per the latest stats, has 1.3 billion registered users (and Facebook is banned in China!). One sixth of the world’s population is hungrily consuming, sharing, interacting and discarding content on the Internet. We are all talking about ourselves, our families, our loved ones, sharing […]

Are You FB Ready?

When brands and businesses begin life on social media, they tend to do so with caution. They pick one tool, try it to get their feet wet and then wait to see what happens. It is quite natural that a brand wants to test a few channels of marketing without a brand-wide commitment from the […]