Author Archives: wrdprs

Five things a newsletter can do for your B2B business

As a marketer in a business-to-business (B2B) company, have you been wondering if a newsletter is necessary for your organisation? Or have you launched a newsletter but you are not really sure of what to expect from it? Even in this era of social media, email newsletters are one of the most effective and cost-efficient […]


I am sure many of us have woken up one fine morning and felt, I am not looking right! Perhaps a dire change of wardrobe is needed, maybe a new haircut, maybe it’s the glasses that need changing or could be a great tattoo. A need for personality change or improvement applies not just to […]

Marketing -Fodder for Sales

In a meeting, a wise gentleman once summarized my marketing pitch for the company, made a few calculations, saw the ballpark investment I was asking him to make and exclaimed “I don’t even pay my sales guys that much!” In my personal opinion that is the exact exclamation that determined the destiny of his brand.

Is your marketing segmenting, listening & responding fast enough to customers’ evolving needs?

Happy to share a Guest blog by Sarajit Jha – on a topic that truly resonates with us. As marketers, we urge businesses to understand their customer segments better. Whether you’re shaping up your value proposition or drawing buyer personas or chalking out communication / messaging strategies – the very foundation of all that is […]

How to do “more” Marketing with fewer people

“I wish I had more time and more money” – this is something we eternally hear entrepreneurs and business heads saying a lot! If you are one of these people, be assured that help is at hand. Read on to know how to get more hands and brains to work for your business, allowing you […]

Who needs a CMO

Being a Consulting & Outsourced Marketing firm, we at IBS get to meet business owners with varying sizes and types of businesses – from bootstrapped start-ups to profit-making mid-sized companies and even the large companies. One of our key observations is that, no matter what the scale of the business, marketing as a function and […]


At Inception Day, the People Panel saw a lot of interesting aspects of attracting, managing and retaining talent for start-ups and growing organisations being discussed. Moving on from gender diversity, the discussion also looked at diversity of other kinds – religion, language and origin. This prompted this blog on what workforce diversity really does for […]

People for Start-ups

CAPITAL P While doing my research for this article, I was amazed! When you type ‘resources for start-ups’ the most common and top of the line entries focus on financial resourcing, idea resourcing, design resourcing and so on. So little has been said about ‘people resourcing’. Getting the right people is half the battle won, […]


Most organizations boast of having a culture. And no one is wrong when they do so, because every organization does have a unique identity and a way its employees perceive that identity. Organizational Culture, as defined on, is “the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization”. […]